Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Ask anyone what kind of music genre they are into and if they're hip they will tell you Underground ______. You know underground hiphop, underground rock, underground metal etc. I've decided that 2 genres are probably left untouched and need to be explored: underground pop and underground muzak. Just think of the walking contradiction that is underground pop. Popular music that people don't know about! That is hipper than hip. But maybe college rock would probably fall under that category.

Muzak, for those who don't know, is the genre of music where bands redo popular songs for use in elevators and such. Well i guess they've expanded services since the 80's but the core is still the same. Underground Muzak would involve taking songs that no one actually knows about, and may potentially be quite good and then remaking them to target specific audiences or movement apparatuses (elevators). Just a musing about music.