Monday, September 14, 2009

17 weeks...

My baby is now 17 weeks old. I love the rediculousness of baby sites. My baby weighs 5 oz. and according to Baby Center that means my baby weighs as much as a turnip... A TURNIP?! How is that supposed to connect to me? I'm not the prince-archbishop of Salzburg! Incidentally my baby weighs the same as a box of Digiorno: Pepperoni Garlic Bread Pizza does on the moon. See that would be how you connect to the average dad about the weight of their baby. Compare it to something that tastes good and put it in a cool place.
(EDIT: In case you're wondering the apparent conversion from earth weight to moon weight is roughly 1/6)

1 comment:

  1. So would that be, like, six turnips on the moon? Does that mean Lydia is going to have sextuplets? Or that she would if she delivered on the moon?

    I signed up to follow the blog, but I forgot that it generally takes several days for followed blogs to show up in the "Blogs I'm Following Folder" in RSS... so I hadn't realized you'd been posting more stuff. Nice mix.
